How to Cut Your Parking Lot Lighting Costs in Half

Fidel Martin
2 min readOct 27, 2021

Parking lot lighting is essential for any commercial property. It makes customers and employees feel safe — and not just feel safe; good light across a parking lot absolutely reduces both crime, accidents, as well as helps make your business inviting after dark with its use of dimmer lights or motion sensors to turn off upon nightfall. The downside? Keeping one’s Parking Lot Well Lit can cost businesses into the thousands annually due solely because these types of fixtures are so bright!

Parking lot lighting can be expensive and inconvenient, but you don’t have to pay the high cost. With these tips for cutting your parking lot lighting costs in half:

- Make sure there is at least one spot where people walk during daytime hours with no cars around — Consider installing pole lights instead of using electricity from utility bills — Place near driveways so they shine directly onto roadways.

Converting Your Existing Parking Lot Lights to LED

If your fixtures are in good shape — if the only problem is that they’re eating you alive with energy costs — you can save yourself from installing new lights on poles by simply retrofitting them. It still requires a bucket truck and an electrician, but without having to remove whole pole heads this one-time wiring adjustment will end up saving money for both installation cost as well as future maintenance expenses!

LED Parking Lot Light Fixtures

New LED fixtures are a great way to make your parking lot more aesthetically pleasing and energy-efficient. They also last longer than traditional light sources, so you can be sure they’ll hold up for years without needing any maintenance!

Led pole light fixtures are perfect for winding down in any setting. They’re the latest trend and they come with many advantages, including a sleek design that saves space while also making your home look cool!

HID vs LED — led pole lights

HID lights are a proven, long-standing option for those who need to produce strong and durable lighting. LED lamps on the other hand offer many advantages but can be more expensive upfront due to their initial cost as well as requiring increased maintenance costs over time with normal use (and sometimes not even then).

The debate between High-Intensity Discharge vs led pole lights has been going on forever because both have great features which make them worth considering depending upon what type of application you want your work done in!

